Thursday, July 02, 2009

burador (rough draft)

somewhere along the way
you know there's a ride that you missed
the one that had a destination
stamped on it, the one that would
simplify things
and you'd have less to think about

somewhere along the way
there was a right turn that you didn't take
and unaided, you would stumble
in the dark
feeling friendless
and aloof

somewhere along the way
someone may have told you that there is path
that you should be on, and out of everyone else
you're the only who seems to have missed
the footfalls before you

somewhere along the way
you wonder about what is meaningful and
what is truly important
but these questions eventually lose their fire
and peter out
until they re-emerge
to lull you
out of inertia
neither awake nor dreaming

somewhere along the way
you will hate other people for telling you
you will hate yourself for not knowing
who you are

somewhere along the way
there are days and moments and seconds
in between, and the time that it takes
between missed stops and
second chances
repeats itself ceaselessly

those are the times
you feel ageless
and unmoved

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