Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CW 250 - STORY DRAFT: Do Polar Bears Dream?

Super draft of a children's story envisioned to be the first story in the Poley Cub detective series. This draft will be subjected to a class workshop. Illustrations to follow.




“Good morning, Little Poley Cub!” the little girl said.

To Little Poley Cub sitting on her bed.

“It’s a beautiful day today,

Let’s go out and play!”

“Good morning,” Little Poly Cub replied.

“Indeed the sun is so warm and bright.

I can tell today will be sunny and nice,

I’d love to play with you outside.”

“Papa’s home!” the little girl cried.

And she ran to meet him outside.

Little Poley Cub was so excited, too, he climbed up on the desk,

He knocked down the little girl’s phone and made a mess.

But when the little girl came back for him, he was back on the bed.

“What happened here?” she said.

Little Poley Cub replied, “I climbed up the desk.”

The little girl didn’t answer but she cleaned up the mess.

Papa called them again and they went outside,

Little Poley Cub saw how big he was and tried to hide.

Papa picked him up, so Little Poley Cub said hello,

But it was noisy outside and no one heard him anymore.


“Good afternoon, Little Poley Cub!”

“I’m so glad to be back home with you.

Meet Sufia, my new friend.

She lives just round the bend.

She’s a little girl just like me,

I’m in Grade One, but she’s in Grade Three.

I told her all about you.

I hope you’ll be good friends, too.”

Sufia said, “Oh, he’s a baby polar bear, how cute!

He’s smaller than the real polar bears I see in books.

Real polar bears live in the North Pole,

They love any place that’s very cold.

These days, polar bears are looking for a place to stay

Now that the earth is getting hotter everyday.”

“Good afternoon,” Little Poley Cub said.

“I’m a little bored, so I stayed all day in bed.

I waited for you all day,

So we can go out and play.

Hello Sufia, it’s very nice to meet you!

You know, I am a real polar bear too.

I know when the sun is warm and bright,

I know when the sky is dark and it is night.

I don’t know what hungry is or growing old,

I can live anywhere, hot or cold.”

Sufia and the little girl played the game of Pretend,

They made some snow for Little Poley Cub, their friend.

They tried to make him a house out of ice,

But Little Poley Cub got wet and Mama said it wasn’t nice.

Little Poley Cub piped up and said, “But I don’t mind!”

But Mama picked him up and took him outside to dry.

Little Poley Cub spent the rest of the afternoon outside,

And he saw Sufia later wave goodbye.


“Good evening, Little Poley Cub, did you miss me?”

Until it’s time to eat, Mama said we can watch tv,

Let’s watch Mr. Inspector Bear,

I have a little hat and coat for you to wear.

That way you’ll be all dressed up,

My very own Detective Little Poley Cub.

I know you can’t wait to see,

How Mr. Inspector Bear will solve his mystery.”

“But what is a mystery?”

Dressed up Detective Little Poley Cub said to the tv.

Mr. Inspector Bear on tv replied: “A mystery is a question,

Or it can be a problem looking for solutions.

To solve the mystery we must look at clues that will help us know,

Clues are little things that point us in a direction and tell us where to go.”

Little Poley Cub asked, “But what does a detective do?”

Mr. Inspector Bear answered, “A detective is very much like me and you,

A detective will look at and understand the clues.

A detective asks many questions,

A detective listens to suggestions.

A detective is always curious about the world,

Every bit of wisdom is as valuable as a pearl.

So boys and girls, come with me,

Let us solve yet another mystery!”

Mama called and said it was time for bed,

And when she said Little Poley Cub, this is what she said:

“Oh, the hat and coat look very nice and smart,

Little Poley Cub must be a detective at heart.”

That night, Little Poley Cub was very very happy.

He was a detective in search of a mystery.


“Good morning, Detective Little Poley Cub.

Mama’s here to give you a bath today.

It’s really very fun,

And it’s your very first one!

I’ll put you in soap and water, inside a tub

And then I’ll scrub, scrub, and scrub!

You’ll see the dirt and dust come out

Your fur will be white again, no doubt,

After I leave you out to hang and dry

On a day like this, out in the sunshine!”

Detective Little Poley Cub pondered,

“Why must I take a bath,” he wondered.

“Dirt and dust must be bad for me.

They are clues that help me solve this little mystery.

Dirt and dust are here inside the tub,

Soap will only work if I’m scrubbed.

The sun is warm and bright to help me dry,

The sun and water will make my fur white.”

While he was hung out to dry,

Detective Little Poley Cub was deep in thought the whole time.

He solved a little mystery that day,

Soon many more are to come his way.


“Good morning,” the little girl said,

Her eyes were puffy and red.

“Good morning,” said Little Poley Cub in a voice so clear,

But the little girl started to cry and she didn’t hear.

“Good morning,” said Little Poley Cub again and waved hello,

But the little girl was in a hurry and turned to go.

Little Poley Cub was alone the whole day,

A mystery to solve was on its way.

He wanted to know why his friend’s eyes were red,

And why nothing more was said.

He wanted to know why she turned to go,

When he said good morning and waved hello.

Soon the little girl was home again,

And Little Poley Cub was happy to see his friend.

When Mama came to tuck her in bed,

Little Poley Cub saw Mama’s eyes were also red.

She and the little girl talked but their voices were low,

What they talked about, Little Poley Cub wanted to know.

Afterwards, the little girl dressed Little Poley Cub before going to bed.

“Tomorrow, we are going to visit Papa,” she said.

Papa was alright yesterday, but then he fell.

We brought him to the hospital because he’s not well.

Mama says he will be away for some time,

I am so afraid, I don’t want Papa to die.

Little Poley Cub, if only you knew,

How I wish there was a way to talk to you.

But I have a feeling you understand,

After all, you are my best friend.”

Little Poley Cub replied, “I’m very sad, just like you.

How I wish you could hear me, too.

We live in the same place, but between us is a wall

Where on one side, Papa can get hurt and fall.

The wall I cannot see,

But when you talk to me, I can hear

The world has so many mysteries

That are bigger than you and me.

I am going to be a good detective one day,

So mysterious things I can understand and explain.

Why are you real, and why am I real,

Why is my world like a dream?

Even though you cannot hear me or see me move,

I am happy just to be here and talk to you.

I cannot die because I am not real,

But I am real because I can dream.”

Soon, the two fell asleep,

Both in their own worlds where they are free to dream.

The moon watched over them all night

Until night went away and all was bright.

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